Our Services

Life Enrichment Services

Discover a more vibrant, engaging life with Berkeley Senior Services. Our Life Enrichment Services ensure that age is just a number. Your golden years can sparkle with vibrancy, purpose, and joy, filled with experiences that nurture your heart and mind. Dive into a world of excitement, stimulation, and new adventures as we guide you on this remarkable journey.


Active Lifestyle Activities

Stay fit, flexible, and healthy with our wellness programs. We offer group exercise classes, yoga sessions, and walking groups to keep you physically active and motivated.

Craft with FCA

Cognitive Stimulation:

Engage your mind with activities like book clubs, puzzle solving groups, and seminars on various topics. Let's keep your mind sharp and curiosity alive!


Social Engagement:

Cultivate friendships and enjoy the joy of community with activities such as various games, educational workshops, and evening dinners. Connect with your peers and create lasting memories together.


Creative Pursuits

Unleash your inner artist with our art, music, and crafting sessions. It's never too late to learn a new skill or rekindle a former passion.

Volleyball Game

Local Outings:

Discover local cultural and community events through our organized outings. From museum visits to local theater performances, we offer opportunities to explore your surroundings and engage with the wider community.